Teaching Templates Quiz Maker offers many useful templates that allow you to make your own quizzes, such as multiple-choice, gap text, flash cards, mastermind, etc. From the main menu, you can access the different templates. The program allows you to include sound, insert images, and change the templates' colors.
The quizzes are generated in the web browser of you preference and you can save them as standard HTML documents, web archives, or SCORM zip packages. It also has an option to edit the template's HTML code, e.g. the Multiple Choice template allows you to generate questions and select one of the multiple answers: you can type in the name of the quiz, the question, its question number, different answers to each question, and select the right answer or allow a written answer. Supported web browsers are: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, and Mozilla. However, Internet Explorer is the most suitable to perform your quizzes because it has been designed to work with it. The program requires an internet connection to operate, and only registered users are able to make changes to the source template files.